Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Defend the Faith!

Greg Bahnsen was firmly convinced. The only way to successfully defeat an atheist in argument is to take him back to his foundational beliefs, his unquestioned assumptions about the world, and thereby demonstrate the folly of unbelief. This "presuppositional" approach to apologetics is consistent with the Biblical pattern (ie. Paul on Mars Hill), and is ably articulated and defended in Bahnsen's foundational book Always Ready.

Too many Christians think they have to find "common ground" with their oponent in order to bridge the gap and debate in a meaningful way. But despite their valiant efforts to muster an arsenal of "scientific facts" to counter the arguments of the evolutionist, these sorts of debates ignore the glaring inconsistencies of the atheist position, and culminate in "evidential warfare."

Pick up a copy of Always Ready and learn the Biblical tactics and tools to defend the faith against all opposition!

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